Redefining Social Connections in London

Hailed by Timeout and Eventbrite as one of London's top monthly events, The FriendZone is back and revolutionising connecting through 'Social Skydiving' - the art of talking to strangers.

It comes naturally to Londoners to avoid eye contact, minimise smiles, mumble any gratitude and avoid conversations with strangers at all costs. But there are lots of great people out there, many of whom will bring joy to your life for years to come, and this evening of games, competitions and fun in general will help you find some of them. It’s not a dating night, and you’re not expected to fly solo – the more friends you bring the more friends you’re likely to make. Just come along ready to get involved and see who the night takes you to.
— Time Out London

Join our WHATSAPP COMMUNITY for event details and updates

Not Your Average Mixer:

  • Game On! Whether you're a chatterbox champion or a quiet observer, we've got challenges that'll tickle your fancy. We’re Introvert-friendly!

  • Meet our Mingler Magic! Our social wizards (1 for every 8 guests) sprinkle friendliness everywhere they go.

  • Say Goodbye to Awkward Hellos! Our connection concierges make introductions smoother than a buttered slide.

  • Jump into fun group games or chill with cozy chats – your vibe, your choice! From social butterflies to wallflowers, everyone blooms here.

  • 'Social Skydiving'; the art of talking to strangers

  • Changing the negative connotation of getting "friend-zoned" and making genuine connections

  • Our USP: A carefully selected team of 'Minglers' who create a welcoming atmosphere and ensure you feel at ease from the moment you arrive.

  • Where extroverts sparkle and introverts shine: Your social comfort zone, supersized!

  1. Flip the "FriendZone" on its head! We're turning social lemons into friendship lemonade.

  2. Mingle with London's Melting Pot: From bankers to baristas, artists to accountants – let's mix it up!

  3. Bring Back the Chat! Ditch the DMs and rediscover the thrill of real-life banter.

Our Mission


  • It's a unique social gathering designed to help Londoners make genuine connections through fun games and activities!

  • Not at all! Many attendees come solo. It's the perfect place to meet new people.

  • Absolutely! We have activities for all personality types, and our Minglers are there to help ease you in.

  • While we welcome adults of all ages, most attendees are between 25-40.

  • Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable and confident. There's no strict dress code!

  • Yes! We have a variety of group games and icebreakers, but participation is always optional.

  • Yes, there's a bar at the venue with great cocktail and food options

  • The event runs from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, but you're welcome to stay for as long as you like. There is live band/music from 8 pm, stay for music, drinks and food with your new mates!

  • Our Minglers are there to help! They can introduce you to other attendees with similar interests.

  • Tickets are only available online at